@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ import (
+ "sort"
- "time"
type StockTemplate struct {
@@ -32,6 +32,88 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) GetMedicineInfo(deptId int, medicine map[string]interfac
+// FirstOrCreateMedicineInfo 查询或创建 品名、生产企业、规格、单位、剂型
+func (e *StockTemplate) FirstOrCreateMedicineInfo(deptId, createBy int, medicine *map[string]interface{}) (err error) {
+ // 查询或创建品名
+ product := models.Product{}
+ if productName, ok := (*medicine)[models.FieldProductName].(string); ok && len(productName) > 0 {
+ err = db.DB.Attrs(map[string]interface{}{"create_by": createBy}).FirstOrCreate(&product, map[string]interface{}{
+ "name": productName,
+ "dept_id": deptId,
+ }).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ return errors.New("获取品名失败")
+ }
+ delete(*medicine, models.FieldProductName)
+ } else {
+ return errors.New("品名不能为空")
+ }
+ // 查询或创建生产企业
+ enterprise := models.Enterprise{}
+ if enterpriseName, ok := (*medicine)[models.FieldEnterpriseName].(string); ok && len(enterpriseName) > 0 {
+ err = db.DB.Attrs(map[string]interface{}{"create_by": createBy}).FirstOrCreate(&enterprise, map[string]interface{}{
+ "name": enterpriseName,
+ "dept_id": deptId,
+ }).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ return errors.New("获取生产企业失败")
+ }
+ delete(*medicine, models.FieldEnterpriseName)
+ } else {
+ return errors.New("生产企业不能为空")
+ }
+ // 查询或创建规格
+ spec := models.Spec{}
+ if specName, ok := (*medicine)[models.FieldSpecName].(string); ok && len(specName) > 0 {
+ err = db.DB.Attrs(map[string]interface{}{"create_by": createBy}).FirstOrCreate(&spec, map[string]interface{}{
+ "name": specName,
+ "dept_id": deptId,
+ }).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ return errors.New("获取规格失败")
+ }
+ delete(*medicine, models.FieldSpecName)
+ } else {
+ return errors.New("规格不能为空")
+ }
+ // 查询或创建单位
+ unit := models.Unit{}
+ if unitName, ok := (*medicine)[models.FieldUnitName].(string); ok && len(unitName) > 0 {
+ err = db.DB.Attrs(map[string]interface{}{"create_by": createBy}).FirstOrCreate(&unit, map[string]interface{}{
+ "name": unitName,
+ "dept_id": deptId,
+ }).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ return errors.New("获取单位失败")
+ }
+ }
+ // 查询或创建剂型
+ dosageForm := models.DosageForm{}
+ if dosageFormName, ok := (*medicine)[models.FieldDosageFormName].(string); ok && len(dosageFormName) > 0 {
+ err = db.DB.Attrs(map[string]interface{}{"create_by": createBy}).FirstOrCreate(&dosageForm, map[string]interface{}{
+ "name": dosageFormName,
+ "dept_id": deptId,
+ }).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ return errors.New("获取剂型失败")
+ }
+ }
+ delete(*medicine, models.FieldUnitName)
+ delete(*medicine, models.FieldDosageFormName)
+ (*medicine)[models.FieldProductID] = product.Id
+ (*medicine)[models.FieldEnterpriseID] = enterprise.Id
+ (*medicine)[models.FieldSpecID] = spec.Id
+ (*medicine)[models.FieldUnitID] = unit.Id
+ (*medicine)[models.FieldDosageFormID] = dosageForm.Id
+ return
// BatchStockTemplateIn 批量入库
func (e *StockTemplate) BatchStockTemplateIn(req *dto.BatchStockTemplateInInsertReq) error {
//var err error
@@ -135,6 +217,118 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) BatchStockTemplateIn(req *dto.BatchStockTemplateInInsert
return nil
+// BatchStockTemplateIn 扫码入库
+func (e *StockTemplate) StockTemplateInScanCode(req *dto.BatchStockTemplateInInsertReq) error {
+ //var err error
+ tx := db.DB.Begin()
+ for _, c := range req.StockInList {
+ // 检查药品信息是否已存在
+ err := e.FirstOrCreateMedicineInfo(req.DeptId, req.CreateBy, &c.MedicineInfo)
+ if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("【扫码入库】初始化药品信息失败:%s", err)
+ return err
+ }
+ // 检查药品信息是否已存在
+ medicineInfo, err := e.GetMedicineInfo(req.DeptId, c.MedicineInfo)
+ if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return global.CreateFailedErr
+ }
+ var medicineInfoId int
+ // 如果药品信息不存在,则创建新的药品信息
+ if medicineInfo == nil {
+ sql := "INSERT INTO " + models.GetMedicineInfoTableName(req.DeptId) + " SET "
+ for k, v := range c.MedicineInfo {
+ sql += fmt.Sprintf("`%s`='%v',", k, v)
+ }
+ sql += fmt.Sprintf("`%s`='%v',", "purchase_unit_price", c.UnitPrice)
+ sql = sql[:len(sql)-1]
+ err = tx.Exec(sql).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return global.CreateFailedErr
+ }
+ err = tx.Raw("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()").Scan(&medicineInfoId).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return global.CreateFailedErr
+ }
+ } else {
+ medicineInfoId = utils.ToInt(medicineInfo["id"])
+ err = tx.Table(models.GetMedicineInfoTableName(req.DeptId)).Where("id = ?", medicineInfoId).Update("purchase_unit_price", c.UnitPrice).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return global.CreateFailedErr
+ }
+ }
+ // 进行入库操作
+ stockInRecord := models.StockIn{
+ MedicineID: medicineInfoId,
+ Quantity: c.Quantity,
+ UnitPrice: c.UnitPrice,
+ Operator: c.Operator,
+ ForwardingUnit: c.ForwardingUnit,
+ Date: c.Date,
+ ControlBy: model2.ControlBy{
+ DeptId: req.DeptId,
+ CreateBy: req.CreateBy,
+ },
+ }
+ err = tx.Create(&stockInRecord).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return global.CreateFailedErr
+ }
+ c.Id = stockInRecord.Id
+ var inventory models.MedicineInventory
+ err = tx.Last(&inventory, "medicine_id = ?", medicineInfoId).Error
+ if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return global.CreateFailedErr
+ }
+ // 添加库存记录
+ data := models.MedicineInventory{
+ MedicineID: medicineInfoId,
+ TotalIn: c.Quantity,
+ StockInID: stockInRecord.Id,
+ TotalOut: 0,
+ StockOutID: 0,
+ Balance: inventory.Balance + c.Quantity,
+ ForwardingUnit: c.ForwardingUnit,
+ Operator: c.Operator,
+ Date: c.Date,
+ ControlBy: model2.ControlBy{
+ DeptId: req.DeptId,
+ CreateBy: req.CreateBy,
+ },
+ }
+ err = tx.Create(&data).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return global.CreateFailedErr
+ }
+ }
+ tx.Commit()
+ return nil
// StockTemplateIn 入库
func (e *StockTemplate) StockTemplateIn(c *dto.StockTemplateInInsertReq) error {
var err error
@@ -231,7 +425,8 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockTemplateIn(c *dto.StockTemplateInInsertReq) error {
return nil
-} // StockTemplateIn 入库
func (e *StockTemplate) StockTemplateInEdit(c *dto.StockTemplateInEditReq) error {
var err error
// 检查药品信息是否已存在
@@ -920,6 +1115,108 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) BatchStockTemplateOut(req *dto.BatchStockTemplateOutInse
return nil
+// StockTemplateOutScanCode 扫码出库
+func (e *StockTemplate) StockTemplateOutScanCode(req *dto.BatchStockTemplateOutInsertReq) error {
+ tx := db.DB.Begin()
+ for _, c := range req.StockOutList {
+ // 初始化药品信息
+ err := e.FirstOrCreateMedicineInfo(req.DeptId, req.CreateBy, &c.MedicineInfo)
+ if err != nil {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("【扫码出库】初始化药品信息失败: %s", err)
+ return err
+ }
+ // 检查药品信息是否已存在
+ medicineInfo, err := e.GetMedicineInfo(req.DeptId, c.MedicineInfo)
+ if err != nil {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return global.CreateFailedErr
+ }
+ // 如果药品信息不存在,则不能出库
+ if medicineInfo == nil {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return errors.New("药品信息不存在,禁止出库")
+ }
+ medicineInfoId := utils.ToInt(medicineInfo["id"])
+ // 查询库查询信息
+ var mi models.MedicineInventory
+ err = tx.Model(mi).Where("medicine_id = ? AND dept_id = ?", medicineInfoId, req.DeptId).Last(&mi).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return global.CreateFailedErr
+ }
+ if mi.Balance < c.Quantity {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("【%s】库存量【%d】小于出库库存量【%d】,出库失败", c.MedicineInfo[models.FieldProductName], mi.Balance, c.Quantity))
+ }
+ err = tx.Table(models.GetMedicineInfoTableName(req.DeptId)).Where("id = ?", medicineInfoId).Update("sales_unit_price", c.UnitPrice).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return global.CreateFailedErr
+ }
+ // 进行出库操作
+ stockOutRecord := models.StockOut{
+ MedicineID: medicineInfoId,
+ Quantity: c.Quantity,
+ UnitPrice: c.UnitPrice,
+ Operator: c.Operator,
+ ReceivingUnit: c.ReceivingUnit,
+ Date: c.Date,
+ ControlBy: model2.ControlBy{
+ DeptId: req.DeptId,
+ CreateBy: req.CreateBy,
+ },
+ }
+ err = tx.Create(&stockOutRecord).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return global.CreateFailedErr
+ }
+ c.Id = stockOutRecord.Id
+ var inventory models.MedicineInventory
+ err = tx.Last(&inventory, "medicine_id = ?", medicineInfoId).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return global.CreateFailedErr
+ }
+ // 添加库存记录
+ data := models.MedicineInventory{
+ MedicineID: medicineInfoId,
+ TotalIn: 0,
+ StockInID: 0,
+ TotalOut: c.Quantity,
+ StockOutID: stockOutRecord.Id,
+ Balance: inventory.Balance - c.Quantity,
+ ReceivingUnit: c.ReceivingUnit,
+ Operator: c.Operator,
+ Date: c.Date,
+ ControlBy: model2.ControlBy{
+ DeptId: req.DeptId,
+ CreateBy: req.CreateBy,
+ },
+ }
+ err = tx.Create(&data).Error
+ if err != nil {
+ tx.Rollback()
+ logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
+ return global.CreateFailedErr
+ }
+ }
+ tx.Commit()
+ return nil
// StockTemplateInList 出库列表
func (e *StockTemplate) StockTemplateInList(c *dto.StockTemplateInPageReq, deptId int) (list []map[string]interface{}, count int64, err error) {
@@ -981,9 +1278,8 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockTemplateInList(c *dto.StockTemplateInPageReq, deptI
list[i][models.FieldDosageFormName] = models.Read_DosageForm_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
- if date, ok := list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate]; ok && date != nil {
- list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate] = date.(time.Time).Format("2006-01-02")
- }
+ list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate] = utils.ToDate(list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate])
+ list[i][models.FieldProducedDate] = utils.ToDate(list[i][models.FieldProducedDate])
return list, count, nil
@@ -1050,9 +1346,7 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockTemplateOutList(c *dto.StockTemplateOutPageReq, dep
- if date, ok := list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate]; ok && date != nil {
- list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate] = date.(time.Time).Format("2006-01-02")
- }
+ list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate] = utils.ToDate(list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate])
return list, count, nil
@@ -1110,9 +1404,7 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockTemplateInventoryList(c *dto.StockTemplateInventory
if id, ok := list[i][models.FieldDosageFormID]; ok {
list[i][models.FieldDosageFormName] = models.Read_DosageForm_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
- if date, ok := list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate]; ok && date != nil {
- list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate] = date.(time.Time).Format("2006-01-02")
- }
+ list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate] = utils.ToDate(list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate])
return list, count, nil
@@ -1308,9 +1600,7 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockInquiryList(c *dto.StockStatListReq, deptId int) (l
if id, ok := list[i][models.FieldDosageFormID]; ok {
list[i][models.FieldDosageFormName] = models.Read_DosageForm_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
- if date, ok := list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate]; ok && date != nil {
- list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate] = date.(time.Time).Format("2006-01-02")
- }
+ list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate] = utils.ToDate(list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate])
return list, count, nil
@@ -1364,9 +1654,7 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockInquiryExcel(c *dto.StockStatListReq, deptId int) (
if id, ok := list[i][models.FieldDosageFormID]; ok {
list[i][models.FieldDosageFormName] = models.Read_DosageForm_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
- if date, ok := list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate]; ok && date != nil {
- list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate] = date.(time.Time).Format("2006-01-02")
- }
+ list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate] = utils.ToDate(list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate])
return list, nil
@@ -1385,15 +1673,6 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockStat(c *dto.StockStatReq, deptId int) (list []map[s
sql := "SELECT mi.balance,m_info.product_id,m_info.spec_id,m_info.unit_id FROM (SELECT medicine_id,MAX(id) AS latest_id FROM medicine_inventory GROUP BY medicine_id) AS mi_latest " +
"JOIN medicine_inventory AS mi ON mi.medicine_id=mi_latest.medicine_id AND mi.id=mi_latest.latest_id " +
"LEFT JOIN " + mtable + " AS m_info ON mi.medicine_id=m_info.id" + whereSql
- //sqlWhereCount := "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM (SELECT medicine_id,MAX(id) AS latest_id FROM medicine_inventory GROUP BY medicine_id) AS mi_latest " +
- // "JOIN medicine_inventory AS mi ON mi.medicine_id=mi_latest.medicine_id AND mi.id=mi_latest.latest_id " +
- // "LEFT JOIN " + mtable + " AS m_info ON mi.medicine_id=m_info.id" + whereSql
- //err = db.DB.Raw(sqlWhereCount).Scan(&count).Error
- //if err != nil {
- // logs.Error("db error: %s ", err)
- // return list, count, global.GetFailedErr
- //}
err = db.DB.Raw(sql).Scan(&result).Error
if err != nil {
@@ -1403,6 +1682,7 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockStat(c *dto.StockStatReq, deptId int) (list []map[s
statMap := map[string]int{}
+ unitMap := map[string]string{}
for i := 0; i < len(result); i++ {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", result[i][models.FieldProductID], result[i][models.FieldSpecID])
@@ -1412,20 +1692,49 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockStat(c *dto.StockStatReq, deptId int) (list []map[s
} else {
statMap[key] = utils.ToInt(result[i]["balance"])
+ if result[i][models.FieldUnitID] != nil && utils.ToInt(result[i][models.FieldUnitID]) != 0 {
+ if v, ok := unitMap[key]; ok {
+ id := fmt.Sprintf("|%v|", result[i][models.FieldUnitID])
+ if strings.Contains(v, id) {
+ unitMap[key] = v + id
+ }
+ } else {
+ unitMap[key] = fmt.Sprintf("|%v|", result[i][models.FieldUnitID])
+ }
+ }
for key, num := range statMap {
product_id := utils.ToInt(strings.Split(key, "-")[0])
spec_id := utils.ToInt(strings.Split(key, "-")[1])
+ unit_ids := []string{}
+ if len(unitMap[key]) > 0 {
+ unit_ids = strings.Split(strings.Trim(unitMap[key], "|"), "|")
+ }
+ unit_name := ""
+ unit_ids_int := []int{}
+ for _, id := range unit_ids {
+ unit_name += models.Read_Unit_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
+ unit_name += "/"
+ unit_ids_int = append(unit_ids_int, utils.ToInt(id))
+ }
+ unit_name = strings.Trim(unit_name, "/")
list = append(list, map[string]interface{}{
"product_id": product_id,
"product_name": models.Read_Product_Get(product_id),
"spec_id": spec_id,
"spec_name": models.Read_Spec_Get(spec_id),
"balance": num,
+ "unit_name": unit_name,
+ "unit_ids": unit_ids_int,
+ sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool {
+ return utils.ToInt(list[i]["product_id"]) < utils.ToInt(list[j]["product_id"])
+ })
return list, count, nil