@@ -284,18 +284,27 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockTemplateInEdit(c *dto.StockTemplateInEditReq) error
// 修改入库信息
- stockInRecord := models.StockIn{
- MedicineID: medicineInfoId,
- Quantity: c.Quantity,
- UnitPrice: c.UnitPrice,
- Operator: c.Operator,
- ForwardingUnit: c.ForwardingUnit,
- Date: c.Date,
- ControlBy: model2.ControlBy{
- UpdateBy: c.UpdateBy,
- },
- }
- err = tx.Where("id = ?", c.Id).Updates(&stockInRecord).Error
+ //stockInRecord := models.StockIn{
+ // MedicineID: medicineInfoId,
+ // Quantity: c.Quantity,
+ // UnitPrice: c.UnitPrice,
+ // Operator: c.Operator,
+ // ForwardingUnit: c.ForwardingUnit,
+ // Date: c.Date,
+ // ControlBy: model2.ControlBy{
+ // UpdateBy: c.UpdateBy,
+ // },
+ //}
+ stockInRecordMap := map[string]interface{}{
+ "medicine_id": medicineInfoId,
+ "quantity": c.Quantity,
+ "unit_price": c.UnitPrice,
+ "operator": c.Operator,
+ "forwarding_unit": c.ForwardingUnit,
+ "date": c.Date,
+ "update_by": c.UpdateBy,
+ }
+ err = tx.Model(models.StockIn{}).Where("id = ?", c.Id).Updates(stockInRecordMap).Error
if err != nil {
logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
@@ -606,18 +615,30 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockTemplateOutEdit(c *dto.StockTemplateOutEditReq) err
// 修改入库信息
- stockOutRecord := models.StockOut{
- MedicineID: medicineInfoId,
- Quantity: c.Quantity,
- UnitPrice: c.UnitPrice,
- Operator: c.Operator,
- ReceivingUnit: c.ReceivingUnit,
- Date: c.Date,
- ControlBy: model2.ControlBy{
- UpdateBy: c.UpdateBy,
- },
+ //stockOutRecord := models.StockOut{
+ // MedicineID: medicineInfoId,
+ // Quantity: c.Quantity,
+ // UnitPrice: c.UnitPrice,
+ // Operator: c.Operator,
+ // ReceivingUnit: c.ReceivingUnit,
+ // Date: c.Date,
+ // ControlBy: model2.ControlBy{
+ // UpdateBy: c.UpdateBy,
+ // },
+ //}
+ //err = tx.Where("id = ?", c.Id).Updates(&stockOutRecord).Error
+ stockOutRecordMap := map[string]interface{}{
+ "medicine_id": medicineInfoId,
+ "quantity": c.Quantity,
+ "unit_price": c.UnitPrice,
+ "operator": c.Operator,
+ "receiving_unit": c.ReceivingUnit,
+ "date": c.Date,
+ "update_by": c.UpdateBy,
- err = tx.Where("id = ?", c.Id).Updates(&stockOutRecord).Error
+ err = tx.Model(models.StockOut{}).Where("id = ?", c.Id).Updates(stockOutRecordMap).Error
if err != nil {
logs.Error("db error: %s", err)
@@ -832,6 +853,7 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) BatchStockTemplateOut(req *dto.BatchStockTemplateOutInse
return global.CreateFailedErr
if mi.Balance < c.Quantity {
+ tx.Rollback()
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("库存量【%d】小于出库库存量【%d】,出库失败", mi.Balance, c.Quantity))
@@ -946,10 +968,18 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockTemplateInList(c *dto.StockTemplateInPageReq, deptI
list[i][models.FieldSpecName] = models.Read_Spec_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
if id, ok := list[i][models.FieldUnitID]; ok {
- list[i][models.FieldUnitName] = models.Read_Unit_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
+ if utils.ToInt(id) == 0 {
+ list[i][models.FieldUnitID] = nil
+ } else {
+ list[i][models.FieldUnitName] = models.Read_Unit_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
+ }
if id, ok := list[i][models.FieldDosageFormID]; ok {
- list[i][models.FieldDosageFormName] = models.Read_DosageForm_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
+ if utils.ToInt(id) == 0 {
+ list[i][models.FieldDosageFormID] = nil
+ } else {
+ list[i][models.FieldDosageFormName] = models.Read_DosageForm_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
+ }
if date, ok := list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate]; ok && date != nil {
list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate] = date.(time.Time).Format("2006-01-02")
@@ -1006,11 +1036,20 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockTemplateOutList(c *dto.StockTemplateOutPageReq, dep
list[i][models.FieldSpecName] = models.Read_Spec_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
if id, ok := list[i][models.FieldUnitID]; ok {
- list[i][models.FieldUnitName] = models.Read_Unit_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
+ if utils.ToInt(id) == 0 {
+ list[i][models.FieldUnitID] = nil
+ } else {
+ list[i][models.FieldUnitName] = models.Read_Unit_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
+ }
if id, ok := list[i][models.FieldDosageFormID]; ok {
- list[i][models.FieldDosageFormName] = models.Read_DosageForm_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
+ if utils.ToInt(id) == 0 {
+ list[i][models.FieldDosageFormID] = nil
+ } else {
+ list[i][models.FieldDosageFormName] = models.Read_DosageForm_Get(utils.ToInt(id))
+ }
if date, ok := list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate]; ok && date != nil {
list[i][models.FieldExpiryDate] = date.(time.Time).Format("2006-01-02")
@@ -1136,7 +1175,7 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockUnitList(c *dto.StockUnitListReq, deptId int) (list
if len(c.Name) > 0 {
whereSql += " AND forwarding_unit like '%" + c.Name + "%'"
- whereSql += " AND forwarding_unit is not null"
+ whereSql += " AND forwarding_unit is not null AND forwarding_unit != ''"
err = db.DB.Table("stock_in").
@@ -1150,7 +1189,7 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockUnitList(c *dto.StockUnitListReq, deptId int) (list
if len(c.Name) > 0 {
whereSql += " AND receiving_unit like '%" + c.Name + "%'"
- whereSql += " AND receiving_unit is not null"
+ whereSql += " AND receiving_unit is not null AND receiving_unit != ''"
err = db.DB.Table("stock_out").
@@ -1169,7 +1208,7 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockUnitList(c *dto.StockUnitListReq, deptId int) (list
forwarding_unit, receiving_unit := []string{}, []string{}
err = db.DB.Table("medicine_inventory").
- Where(whereSql + " AND forwarding_unit is not null").
+ Where(whereSql + " AND forwarding_unit is not null AND forwarding_unit != ''").
if err != nil {
logs.Error("db error: %s ", err)
@@ -1177,7 +1216,7 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockUnitList(c *dto.StockUnitListReq, deptId int) (list
err = db.DB.Table("medicine_inventory").
- Where(whereSql + " AND receiving_unit is not null").
+ Where(whereSql + " AND receiving_unit is not null AND receiving_unit != ''").
if err != nil {
logs.Error("db error: %s ", err)
@@ -1211,7 +1250,7 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockOperatorList(c *dto.StockOperatorListReq, deptId in
func (e *StockTemplate) StockInquiryList(c *dto.StockStatListReq, deptId int) (list []map[string]interface{}, count int64, err error) {
mtable := models.GetMedicineInfoTableName(deptId)
- whereSql := " WHERE mi.dept_id = " + strconv.Itoa(deptId) + " AND deleted_at is null"
+ whereSql := " WHERE mi.dept_id = " + strconv.Itoa(deptId)
if c.ProductID > 0 {
whereSql += " AND m_info.product_id = " + strconv.Itoa(c.ProductID)
@@ -1232,11 +1271,11 @@ func (e *StockTemplate) StockInquiryList(c *dto.StockStatListReq, deptId int) (l
//sql := "SELECT * FROM (SELECT a.* FROM (SELECT * FROM medicine_inventory ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 100) a GROUP BY a.medicine_id) b " +
// "LEFT JOIN " + mtable + " ON b.medicine_id=" + mtable + ".id WHERE " + whereSql
- sql := "SELECT mi.*,m_info.* FROM (SELECT medicine_id,MAX(id) AS latest_id FROM medicine_inventory GROUP BY medicine_id) AS mi_latest " +
+ sql := "SELECT mi.*,m_info.* FROM (SELECT medicine_id,MAX(id) AS latest_id FROM medicine_inventory WHERE deleted_at is null GROUP BY medicine_id) AS mi_latest " +
"JOIN medicine_inventory AS mi ON mi.medicine_id=mi_latest.medicine_id AND mi.id=mi_latest.latest_id " +
"LEFT JOIN " + mtable + " AS m_info ON mi.medicine_id=m_info.id" + whereSql + " order by m_info.expiry_date limit ? offset ?;"
- sqlWhereCount := "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM (SELECT medicine_id,MAX(id) AS latest_id FROM medicine_inventory GROUP BY medicine_id) AS mi_latest " +
+ sqlWhereCount := "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM (SELECT medicine_id,MAX(id) AS latest_id FROM medicine_inventory WHERE deleted_at is null GROUP BY medicine_id) AS mi_latest " +
"JOIN medicine_inventory AS mi ON mi.medicine_id=mi_latest.medicine_id AND mi.id=mi_latest.latest_id " +
"LEFT JOIN " + mtable + " AS m_info ON mi.medicine_id=m_info.id" + whereSql