@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+package Function
+import (
+ "Cold_GoodsOrder/conf"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/astaxie/beego/cache"
+ "github.com/beego/beego/v2/adapter/orm"
+ orm2 "github.com/beego/beego/v2/client/orm"
+ _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
+ "strconv"
+ "time"
+// Couriers Order 模板
+type Couriers struct {
+ Id int `json:"Id" orm:"column(ID);size(11);auto;pk"`
+ Name string `json:"T_name" orm:"size(256);null"` // 配送员
+ Phone string `orm:"size(256);null"` // 电话
+ UserId int `orm:"index;size(256);null"` // 用户ID
+ CreateTime time.Time `orm:"column(create_time);type(timestamp);null;auto_now_add"` // 创建时间
+ UpdateTime time.Time `orm:"column(update_time);type(timestamp);null;auto_now"` // 更新时间
+type CouriersR struct {
+ Id int `json:"Id"` // ID
+ Name string `json:"T_name"` // 配送员
+ Phone string // 电话
+ CreateTime string // 创建时间
+ UpdateTime string // 更新时间
+func CouriersToCouriersR(t Couriers) (r CouriersR) {
+ r.Id = t.Id
+ r.Name = t.Name
+ r.Phone = t.Phone
+ r.CreateTime = t.CreateTime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
+ r.UpdateTime = t.UpdateTime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
+ return
+func (t *Couriers) TableName() string {
+ return "couriers" // 数据库名称
+var redisCache_Couriers cache.Cache
+func init() {
+ //注册模型
+ orm.RegisterModel(new(Couriers))
+ config := fmt.Sprintf(`{"key":"%s","conn":"%s","dbNum":"%s","password":"%s"}`,
+ "redis_Couriers", conf.Redis_address, conf.Redis_dbNum, conf.Redis_password)
+ fmt.Println(config)
+ var err error
+ redisCache_Couriers, err = cache.NewCache("redis", config)
+ if err != nil || redisCache_Couriers == nil {
+ errMsg := "failed to init redis"
+ fmt.Println(errMsg, err)
+ }
+// ---------------- Redis -------------------
+func Redis_Couriers_Set(r Couriers) (err error) {
+ //json序列化
+ str, err := json.Marshal(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Print(err)
+ return
+ }
+ err = redisCache_Couriers.Put(strconv.Itoa(r.Id), str, 24*time.Hour)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println("set key:", strconv.Itoa(r.Id), ",value:", str, err)
+ }
+ return
+func Redis_Couriers_Get(key string) (r Couriers, is bool) {
+ if redisCache_Couriers.IsExist(key) {
+ //println("找到key:",key)
+ v := redisCache_Couriers.Get(key)
+ json.Unmarshal(v.([]byte), &r)
+ return r, true
+ }
+ //println("没有 找到key:",key)
+ return Couriers{}, false
+func Redis_Couriers_DelK(key string) (err error) {
+ err = redisCache_Couriers.Delete(key)
+ return
+// ---------------- 特殊方法 -------------------
+// 获取 ById
+func Read_Couriers_ById(id int) (r Couriers) {
+ if r, is := Redis_Couriers_Get(strconv.Itoa(id)); is {
+ return r
+ }
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ r = Couriers{Id: id}
+ err := o.Read(&r)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ }
+ return r
+// 添加
+func Add_Couriers(m Couriers) (id int64, err error) {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ id, err = o.Insert(&m)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ }
+ Redis_Couriers_Set(m)
+ return id, err
+// 修改
+func Update_Couriers(r Couriers, cols ...string) bool {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ if num, err := o.Update(&r, cols...); err == nil {
+ fmt.Println("Number of records updated in database:", num)
+ Redis_Couriers_Set(r)
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// 删除
+func Delete_Couriers(m Couriers) bool {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ if num, err := o.Delete(&m); err == nil {
+ fmt.Println("Number of records deleted in database:", num)
+ Redis_Couriers_DelK(strconv.Itoa(m.Id))
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// 获取列表
+func Read_Couriers_List(userId int, page int, page_z int, name string) (t []CouriersR, cnt int64) {
+ o := orm.NewOrm()
+ // 也可以直接使用 Model 结构体作为表名
+ qs := o.QueryTable(new(Couriers))
+ var offset int64
+ if page_z == 0 {
+ page_z = conf.Page_size
+ }
+ var r []Couriers
+ if page <= 1 {
+ offset = 0
+ } else {
+ offset = int64((page - 1) * page_z)
+ }
+ cond := orm.NewCondition()
+ cond1 := cond.And("UserId", userId)
+ if len(name) > 0 {
+ cond1 = cond1.And("name__icontains", name)
+ }
+ qs.Limit(page_z, offset).SetCond((*orm2.Condition)(cond1)).OrderBy("-Id").All(&r)
+ cnt, _ = qs.SetCond((*orm2.Condition)(cond1)).Count()
+ for _, v := range r {
+ t = append(t, CouriersToCouriersR(v))
+ }
+ return t, cnt