package Warning import ( "Cold_Api/controllers/lib" "Cold_Api/models/Account" "fmt" "" orm2 "" "" _ "" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) // 模板 // 报警发送统计 type WarningSand struct { Id int `orm:"column(ID);size(11);auto;pk"` T_pid int `orm:"index;size(100);null"` // Account.Company 绑定公司, -1:未知 0:管理员 >0 :绑定公司 T_Spid int `orm:"index;size(100);"` // 触发公司 ID T_tp int `orm:"index;size(20);null"` // 报警类型 ->WarningList T_Notice string `orm:"size(256);null"` // 18888888888 T_type int `orm:"index;size(4);null"` // 1 短信 2 电话 T_Remark string `orm:"size(256);null"` // 备注 CreateTime time.Time `orm:"column(create_time);type(timestamp);null;auto_now_add"` //auto_now_add 第一次保存时才设置时间 } func (t *WarningSand) TableName() string { return "warning_sand" // 数据库名称 // ************** 替换 FormulaList ************** } func init() { //注册模型 orm.RegisterModel(new(WarningSand)) } type WarningSand_R struct { Id int T_pid int // Account.Company 绑定公司, -1:未知 0:管理员 >0 :绑定公司 T_tp int // 报警类型 ->WarningList T_tp_name string T_Notice string // 18888888888 T_type int // 1 短信 2 电话 T_Remark []string // 备注 CreateTime string //auto_now_add 第一次保存时才设置时间 } func WarningSandToWarningSand_R(t WarningSand) (r WarningSand_R) { r.Id = t.Id r.T_pid = t.T_pid r.T_tp = t.T_tp r.T_tp_name = Read_WarningType_Get(t.T_tp) r.T_Notice = t.T_Notice r.T_type = t.T_type //r.T_Remark = t.T_Remark if len(t.T_Remark) > 0 { r.T_Remark = strings.Split(strings.TrimRight(t.T_Remark, "\n"), "\n") } r.CreateTime = t.CreateTime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") return r } // ---------------- 特殊方法 ------------------- // 获取 ById func Read_WarningWx_ById(id int) (r WarningSand) { o := orm.NewOrm() r = WarningSand{Id: id} err := o.Read(&r) // o.Read(&r,"Tokey") 如果不是 主键 就得指定字段名 if err != nil { logs.Error(err) } return r } // 添加 func Add_WarningHand(m WarningSand) { warningWxList := Read_DeviceWarning(m) if len(warningWxList) == 0 { Add_WarningHand(m) } } // 添加 func Add_WarningSand(m WarningSand) (id int64, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() id, err = o.Insert(&m) //if err != nil { // logs.Error(err) //} return id, err } // 获取列表 func Read_DeviceWarning(Warning WarningSand) (r []WarningSand) { o := orm.NewOrm() // 也可以直接使用 Model 结构体作为表名 qs := o.QueryTable(new(WarningSand)) now := time.Now() // N 个小时前 dd, _ := time.ParseDuration("-1m") //"s", "m", "h". currentTime := now.Add(dd) qs.Filter("T_pid", Warning.T_pid).Filter("T_tp", Warning.T_tp).Filter("T_Notice", Warning.T_Notice).Filter("T_type", Warning.T_type).Filter("CreateTime__gte", currentTime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")).OrderBy("-Id").All(&r) // 记录 ++ if len(r) > 0 { ColAdd_DeviceWarningBy_ID(r[0].Id) } return r } // 获取时 累加 1 func ColAdd_DeviceWarningBy_ID(id int) { o := orm.NewOrm() // 也可以直接使用 Model 结构体作为表名 design := new(WarningSand) qs := o.QueryTable(design) // 获取时 累加 1 qs.Filter("Id", id).Update(orm2.Params{"T_Filter": orm2.ColValue(orm.ColAdd, 1)}) return } func Read_WarningSand_ALL_T_sn_TIME_Count(T_sn string) (cnt int) { o := orm.NewOrm() var maps_z []orm2.ParamsList now := time.Now() timeStr := now.Format("2006-01-02") + " 00:00:00" sql := "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM warning_sand WHERE t__title NOT LIKE '%恢复%' AND t__ut > '" + timeStr + "' AND t_sn LIKE '%" + T_sn + "%' " logs.Debug(sql) _, err := o.Raw(sql).ValuesList(&maps_z) if err != nil { return 0 } if len(maps_z) == 0 { return 0 } //value, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", cnt), 64) key, _ := strconv.Atoi(maps_z[0][0].(string)) return key } func Read_WarningSand_ALL_T_Bind_TIME_Count(user_ Account.Admin, T_sn string) (cnt int) { o := orm.NewOrm() var maps_z []orm2.ParamsList now := time.Now() timeStr := now.Format("2006-01-02") + " 00:00:00" T_Bind := "U" + strconv.Itoa(user_.Id) + "|" sql := "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM warning_sand WHERE t__title NOT LIKE '%恢复%' AND t__ut > '" + timeStr + "' AND t__bind LIKE '%" + T_Bind + "%' AND t_sn LIKE '%" + T_sn + "%'" logs.Debug(sql) _, err := o.Raw(sql).ValuesList(&maps_z) if err != nil { return 0 } if len(maps_z) == 0 { return 0 } //value, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", cnt), 64) key, _ := strconv.Atoi(maps_z[0][0].(string)) return key } // 获取 发送统计数量 func Get_WarningSandNum(TABLE_name string, Pid, Ntype int, StartTine, EndTime string) int { o := orm.NewOrm() var maps []orm.Params num, err := o.Raw("SELECT count(ID) AS count FROM " + TABLE_name + " WHERE `t_pid` = " + strconv.Itoa(Pid) + " AND `t__ntype` = " + strconv.Itoa(Ntype) + " AND `create_time` >= '" + StartTine + "' AND `create_time` <= '" + EndTime + "'").Values(&maps) if err == nil && num > 0 { intx, _ := strconv.Atoi(lib.To_string(maps[0]["count"])) logs.Info("Get_WarningSandNum:", TABLE_name, Pid, Ntype, StartTine, EndTime, intx) // slene return intx } logs.Error("执行错误!!!", "Get_WarningSandNum:", TABLE_name, Pid, Ntype, StartTine, EndTime, maps) // slene return 0 } // 获取本月通知数量 func Get_WarningSandNum_CurrentMonth(T_pid, Ntype int) int { o := orm.NewOrm() var maps []orm.Params tableName := fmt.Sprintf("warning_sand_%s", time.Now().Format("200601")) _, err := o.Raw("SELECT count(ID) AS count FROM " + tableName + " WHERE `t_pid` = " + strconv.Itoa(T_pid) + " AND `t__ntype` = " + strconv.Itoa(Ntype)).Values(&maps) if err != nil { logs.Error(lib.FuncName(), err) return 0 } intx, _ := strconv.Atoi(lib.To_string(maps[0]["count"])) return intx } func Read_WarningSand_List(T_pid, Ntype int, page int, page_z int) (r []WarningSand_R, cnt int64) { o := orm.NewOrm() var offset int if page <= 1 { offset = 0 } else { offset = (page - 1) * page_z } var maps []WarningSand var maps_z []orm2.ParamsList tableName := fmt.Sprintf("warning_sand_%s", time.Now().Format("200601")) sql := "SELECT count(ID) FROM " + tableName + " WHERE `t_pid` = " + strconv.Itoa(T_pid) + " AND `t__ntype` = " + strconv.Itoa(Ntype) _, err := o.Raw(sql).ValuesList(&maps_z) if err != nil { logs.Error(lib.FuncName(), err) return r, 0 } if len(maps_z) == 0 { return r, 0 } sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE `t_pid` = " + strconv.Itoa(T_pid) + " AND `t__ntype` = " + strconv.Itoa(Ntype) if page_z != 9999 { sql = sql + " LIMIT " + strconv.Itoa(offset) + "," + strconv.Itoa(page_z) } _, err = o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&maps) if err != nil { logs.Error(lib.FuncName(), err) return } key, _ := strconv.ParseInt(maps_z[0][0].(string), 10, 64) for _, v := range maps { r = append(r, WarningSandToWarningSand_R(v)) } return r, key }