/** * Module dependencies. */ var exec = require('child_process').exec; var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var utils = require('./utils'); var debug = require('debug')('gm'); var series = require('array-series'); var streamToBuffer = require('stream-to-buffer'); /* * Creates a pass through stream. * We need to fallback to the `through` lib for node 0.8 support * as PassThrough was added in node 0.10. */ var PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough || require('through'); /** * Error messaging. */ var noBufferConcat = 'gm v1.9.0+ required node v0.8+. Please update your version of node, downgrade gm < 1.9, or do not use `bufferStream`.'; /** * Extend proto */ module.exports = function (proto) { function args (prop) { return function args () { var len = arguments.length; var a = []; var i = 0; for (; i < len; ++i) { a.push(arguments[i]); } this[prop] = this[prop].concat(a); return this; } } proto.in = args('_in'); proto.out = args('_out'); proto._preprocessor = []; proto.preprocessor = args('_preprocessor'); /** * Execute the command and write the image to the specified file name. * * @param {String} name * @param {Function} callback * @return {Object} gm */ proto.write = function write (name, callback) { if (!callback) callback = name, name = null; if ("function" !== typeof callback) { throw new TypeError("gm().write() expects a callback function") } if (!name) { return callback(TypeError("gm().write() expects a filename when writing new files")); } this.outname = name; var self = this; this._preprocess(function (err) { if (err) return callback(err); self._spawn(self.args(), true, callback); }); } /** * Execute the command and return stdin and stderr * ReadableStreams providing the image data. * If no callback is passed, a "through" stream will be returned, * and stdout will be piped through, otherwise the error will be passed. * * @param {String} format (optional) * @param {Function} callback (optional) * @return {Stream} */ proto.stream = function stream (format, callback) { if (!callback && typeof format === 'function') { callback = format; format = null; } var throughStream; if ("function" !== typeof callback) { throughStream = new PassThrough(); callback = function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) throughStream.emit('error', err); else stdout.pipe(throughStream); } } if (format) { format = format.split('.').pop(); this.outname = format + ":-"; } var self = this; this._preprocess(function (err) { if (err) return callback(err); return self._spawn(self.args(), false, callback); }); return throughStream || this; } /** * Convenience function for `proto.stream`. * Simply returns the buffer instead of the stream. * * @param {String} format (optional) * @param {Function} callback * @return {null} */ proto.toBuffer = function toBuffer (format, callback) { if (!callback) callback = format, format = null; if ("function" !== typeof callback) { throw new Error('gm().toBuffer() expects a callback.'); } return this.stream(format, function (err, stdout) { if (err) return callback(err); streamToBuffer(stdout, callback); }) } /** * Run any preProcessor functions in series. Used by autoOrient. * * @param {Function} callback * @return {Object} gm */ proto._preprocess = function _preprocess (callback) { series(this._preprocessor, this, callback); } /** * Execute the command, buffer input and output, return stdout and stderr buffers. * * @param {String} bin * @param {Array} args * @param {Function} callback * @return {Object} gm */ proto._exec = function _exec (args, callback) { return this._spawn(args, true, callback); } /** * Execute the command with stdin, returning stdout and stderr streams or buffers. * @param {String} bin * @param {Array} args * @param {ReadableStream} stream * @param {Boolean} shouldBuffer * @param {Function} callback * @return {Object} gm * @TODO refactor this mess */ proto._spawn = function _spawn (args, bufferOutput, callback) { var appPath = this._options.appPath || ''; var bin = this._options.imageMagick ? appPath + args.shift() : 'gm' var proc = spawn(bin, args) , cmd = bin + ' ' + args.map(utils.escape).join(' ') , self = this , err; debug(cmd); if (self.sourceBuffer) { proc.stdin.write(this.sourceBuffer); proc.stdin.end(); } else if (self.sourceStream) { if (!self.sourceStream.readable) { err = new Error("gm().stream() or gm().write() with a non-readable stream."); return cb(err); } self.sourceStream.pipe(proc.stdin); // bufferStream // We convert the input source from a stream to a buffer. if (self.bufferStream && !this._buffering) { if (!Buffer.concat) { throw new Error(noBufferConcat); } // Incase there are multiple processes in parallel, // we only need one self._buffering = true; streamToBuffer(self.sourceStream, function (err, buffer) { self.sourceBuffer = buffer; self.sourceStream = null; // The stream is now dead }) } } // for _exec operations (identify() mostly), we also // need to buffer the output stream before returning if (bufferOutput) { var stdout = '' , stderr = '' , onOut , onErr , onExit proc.stdout.on('data', onOut = function (data) { stdout += data; }); proc.stderr.on('data', onErr = function (data) { stderr += data; }); proc.on('close', onExit = function (code, signal) { if (code !== 0 || signal !== null) { err = new Error('Command failed: ' + stderr); err.code = code; err.signal = signal; }; cb(err, stdout, stderr, cmd); stdout = stderr = onOut = onErr = onExit = null; }); proc.on('error', cb); } else { cb(null, proc.stdout, proc.stderr, cmd); } return self; function cb (err, stdout, stderr, cmd) { if (cb.called) return; cb.called = 1; if (args[0] !== 'identify' && bin !== 'identify') { self._in = []; self._out = []; } callback.call(self, err, stdout, stderr, cmd); } } /** * Returns arguments to be used in the command. * * @return {Array} */ proto.args = function args () { var outname = this.outname || "-"; if (this._outputFormat) outname = this._outputFormat + ':' + outname; return [].concat( this._subCommand , this._in , this.src() , this._out , outname ).filter(Boolean); // remove falsey } /** * Adds an img source formatter. * * `formatters` are passed an array of images which will be * used as 'input' images for the command. Useful for methods * like `.append()` where multiple source images may be used. * * @param {Function} formatter * @return {gm} this */ proto.addSrcFormatter = function addSrcFormatter (formatter) { if ('function' != typeof formatter) throw new TypeError('sourceFormatter must be a function'); this._sourceFormatters || (this._sourceFormatters = []); this._sourceFormatters.push(formatter); return this; } /** * Applies all _sourceFormatters * * @return {Array} */ proto.src = function src () { var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._sourceFormatters.length; ++i) { this._sourceFormatters[i].call(this, arr); } return arr; } /** * Image types. */ var types = { 'jpg': /\.jpe?g$/i , 'png' : /\.png$/i , 'gif' : /\.gif$/i , 'tiff': /\.tif?f$/i , 'bmp' : /(?:\.bmp|\.dib)$/i , 'webp': /\.webp$/i }; types.jpeg = types.jpg; types.tif = types.tiff; types.dib = types.bmp; /** * Determine the type of source image. * * @param {String} type * @return {Boolean} * @example * if (this.inputIs('png')) ... */ proto.inputIs = function inputIs (type) { if (!type) return false; var rgx = types[type]; if (!rgx) { if ('.' !== type[0]) type = '.' + type; rgx = new RegExp('\\' + type + '$', 'i'); } return rgx.test(this.source); } }