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Introduction ---- **JsBarcode** is a **barcode generator** written in JavaScript. It supports multiple barcode formats and works in browsers and with *Node.js*. It has *no dependencies* when it is used for the web but works with *jQuery* if you are into that. Demo ---- #### [Barcode Generator](http://lindell.github.io/JsBarcode/generator/) #### [Simple CodePen Demo](http://codepen.io/lindell/pen/eZKBdO?editors=1010) #### [Settings CodePen Demo](http://codepen.io/lindell/pen/mPvLXx?editors=1010) Supported barcodes: ---- * [CODE128](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/CODE128) * CODE128 (automatic mode switching) * CODE128 A/B/C (force mode) * [EAN](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/EAN) * EAN-13 * EAN-8 * EAN-5 * EAN-2 * UPC (A) * UPC (E) * [CODE39](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/CODE39) * [ITF](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/ITF-14) * ITF * ITF-14 * [MSI](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/MSI) * MSI10 * MSI11 * MSI1010 * MSI1110 * [Pharmacode](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/pharmacode) * [Codabar](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/codabar) Examples for browsers: ---- #### First create a canvas (or image) ````html ```` #### Simple example: ````javascript JsBarcode("#barcode", "Hi!"); // or with jQuery $("#barcode").JsBarcode("Hi!"); ```` ##### Result: ![Result](https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/js-barcode/barcodes/simple.svg) #### Example with options: ````javascript JsBarcode("#barcode", "1234", { format: "pharmacode", lineColor: "#0aa", width:4, height:40, displayValue: false }); ```` ##### Result: ![Result](https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/js-barcode/barcodes/advanced.svg) #### More advanced use case: ````javascript JsBarcode("#barcode") .options({font: "OCR-B"}) // Will affect all barcodes .EAN13("1234567890128", {fontSize: 18, textMargin: 0}) .blank(20) // Create space between the barcodes .EAN5("12345", {height: 85, textPosition: "top", fontSize: 16, marginTop: 15}) .render(); ```` ##### Result: ![Result](https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/js-barcode/barcodes/simple.svg) #### Or define the value and options in the HTML element: Use any `jsbarcode-*` or `data-*` as attributes where `*` is any option. ````html ```` And then initialize it with: ````javascript JsBarcode(".barcode").init(); ```` ##### Result: ![Result](https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/js-barcode/barcodes/init.svg) #### Retrieve the barcode values so you can render it any way you'd like Pass in an object which will be filled with data. ```javascript const data = {}; JsBarcode(data, 'text', {...options}); ``` data will be filled with a ``` encodings ``` property which has all the needed values. See wiki for an example of what data looks like. Setup for browsers: ---- ### Step 1: Download or get the CDN link to the script: | Name | Supported barcodes | Size (gzip) | CDN / Download | |------|--------------------|:-----------:|---------------:| | *All* | *All the barcodes!* | *10.1 kB* | *[JsBarcode.all.min.js][1]* | | CODE128 | CODE128 (auto and force mode) | 6.2 kB | [JsBarcode.code128.min.js][2] | | CODE39 | CODE39 | 5.1 kB | [JsBarcode.code39.min.js][3] | | EAN / UPC | EAN-13, EAN-8, EAN-5, EAN-2, UPC (A) | 6.6 kB | [JsBarcode.ean-upc.min.js][4] | | ITF | ITF, ITF-14 | 5 kB | [JsBarcode.itf.min.js][5] | | MSI | MSI, MSI10, MSI11, MSI1010, MSI1110 | 5 kB | [JsBarcode.msi.min.js][6] | | Pharmacode | Pharmacode | 4.7 kB | [JsBarcode.pharmacode.min.js][7] | | Codabar | Codabar | 4.9 kB | [JsBarcode.codabar.min.js][8] | ### Step 2: Include the script in your code: ````html ```` ### Step 3: You are done! Go generate some barcodes :smile: Bower and npm: ---- You can also use [Bower](http://bower.io) or [npm](https://www.npmjs.com) to install and manage the library. ````bash bower install jsbarcode --save ```` ````bash npm install jsbarcode --save ```` Node.js: ---- #### With canvas: ```` javascript var JsBarcode = require('jsbarcode'); // Canvas v1 var Canvas = require("canvas"); // Canvas v2 var { createCanvas } = require("canvas"); // Canvas v1 var canvas = new Canvas(); // Canvas v2 var canvas = createCanvas(); JsBarcode(canvas, "Hello"); // Do what you want with the canvas // See https://github.com/Automattic/node-canvas for more information ```` #### With svg: ```` javascript const { DOMImplementation, XMLSerializer } = require('xmldom'); const xmlSerializer = new XMLSerializer(); const document = new DOMImplementation().createDocument('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'html', null); const svgNode = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg'); JsBarcode(svgNode, 'test', { xmlDocument: document, }); const svgText = xmlSerializer.serializeToString(svgNode); ```` Options: ---- For information about how to use the options, see [the wiki page](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options). | Option | Default value | Type | |--------|---------------|------| | [`format`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#format) | `"auto" (CODE128)` | `String` | | [`width`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#width) | `2` | `Number` | | [`height`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#height) | `100` | `Number` | | [`displayValue`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#display-value) | `true` | `Boolean` | | [`text`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#text) | `undefined` | `String` | | [`fontOptions`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#font-options) | `""` | `String` | | [`font`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#font) | `"monospace"` | `String` | | [`textAlign`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#text-align) | `"center"` | `String` | | [`textPosition`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#text-position) | `"bottom"` | `String` | | [`textMargin`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#text-margin) | `2` | `Number` | | [`fontSize`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#font-size) | `20` | `Number` | | [`background`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#background) | `"#ffffff"` | `String (CSS color)` | | [`lineColor`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#line-color) | `"#000000"` | `String (CSS color)` | | [`margin`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#margins) | `10` | `Number` | | [`marginTop`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#margins) | `undefined` | `Number` | | [`marginBottom`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#margins) | `undefined` | `Number` | | [`marginLeft`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#margins) | `undefined` | `Number` | | [`marginRight`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#margins) | `undefined` | `Number` | | [`valid`](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/wiki/Options#valid) | `function(valid){}` | `Function` | Contributions and feedback: ---- We :heart: contributions and feedback. If you want to contribute, please check out the [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) file. If you have any question or suggestion [create an issue](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/issues/new) or ask about it in the [gitter chat](https://gitter.im/lindell/JsBarcode). Bug reports should always be done with a [new issue](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/issues/new). License: ---- JsBarcode is shared under the [MIT license](https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt). This means you can modify and use it however you want, even for comercial use. But please give this the Github repo a :star: and write a small comment of how you are using JsBarcode in the [gitter chat](https://gitter.im/lindell/JsBarcode). [1]: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jsbarcode@3.11.0/dist/JsBarcode.all.min.js "jsdelivr all barcodes" [2]: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jsbarcode@3.11.0/dist/barcodes/JsBarcode.code128.min.js "jsdelivr code128" [3]: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jsbarcode@3.11.0/dist/barcodes/JsBarcode.code39.min.js "jsdelivr code39" [4]: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jsbarcode@3.11.0/dist/barcodes/JsBarcode.ean-upc.min.js "jsdelivr ean/upc" [5]: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jsbarcode@3.11.0/dist/barcodes/JsBarcode.itf.min.js "jsdelivr itf" [6]: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jsbarcode@3.11.0/dist/barcodes/JsBarcode.msi.min.js "jsdelivr msi" [7]: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jsbarcode@3.11.0/dist/barcodes/JsBarcode.pharmacode.min.js "jsdelivr pharmacode" [8]: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jsbarcode@3.11.0/dist/barcodes/JsBarcode.codabar.min.js "jsdelivr codabar"