1 месяц назад | |
.vscode | 8 месяцев назад | |
public | 7 месяцев назад | |
src | 1 месяц назад | |
.env.development | 3 месяцев назад | |
.env.production | 3 месяцев назад | |
.gitignore | 8 месяцев назад | |
README.md | 1 месяц назад | |
index.html | 7 месяцев назад | |
package-lock.json | 6 месяцев назад | |
package.json | 3 месяцев назад | |
pnpm-lock.yaml | 3 месяцев назад | |
tsconfig.json | 8 месяцев назад | |
tsconfig.node.json | 8 месяцев назад | |
vite.config.ts | 3 месяцев назад |
This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 and TypeScript in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 <script setup>
SFCs, check out the script setup docs to learn more.
pnpm install 安装 运行项目:pnpm dev
VS Code + Vue - Official (previously Volar) and disable Vetur
Use vue-tsc for performing the same type checking from the command line, or for generating d.ts files for SFCs.
const example = {
id: 1, //组件id
type: 'Text', //组件类型同组件文件名
name: "文字", //组件名称
active: false, //拖动组件激活状态默认true
displayPicture: true, //组件展示是否已图片展示,配合type使用`/src/assets/componentIcon/${type}.png` 否已组件展示
config: {
name: '文字', //组件文本
isActive: false, //组件id
type: 1, //组件id
lineNum: null, //行数
isResizable: true, //禁止缩放
sticks: ['mr', 'ml'], //可拖动的边界['tl', 'tm', 'tr', 'mr', 'br', 'bm', 'bl','ml']
resizable: true, //false禁止调整大小
aspectRatio: false, //禁止等比例缩放
fixedWidth: true, //false固定宽度
fixedHeight: true, //false固定高度
dataBinding:false, //数据绑定false不需要绑定
css: {
top: 0, //初始top
left: 0, //初始left
width: 100, //组件宽度
height: 'auto', //组件高度
fontSize: 14, //字体大小
fontWeight: 500, //字体粗细
textAlign: 'center', //对齐方式
color: "rgba(61, 61, 61, 1)", //字体颜色
directionFlag:true, //方向true为横向false为纵向
distributeFlag:'center', //分布自左向右leftRight、居中center、自右向左rightLeft、平均分布hypodispersion、两端对齐justify
aligningFlag: 'left',//对齐left、center、right
intervalFlag: 0, //间隔number类型
padding: 0, //内间距number类型
selfAdaption: false,//自适应true开启false关闭
const btnConfig = {
isActive: false,
name: '功能名称',
isResizable: true, //禁止缩放
aspectRatio: false, //禁止等比例缩放
resizable: true, //禁止调整大小
fixedWidth: true, //固定宽度
fixedHeight: true, //固定高度