@@ -86,10 +86,33 @@
<select id="selectMenuList" parameterType="SysMenu" resultMap="SysMenuResult">
+ <if test="menuName != null and menuName != ''">
+ WITH RECURSIVE menu_tree AS (
+ </if>
<include refid="selectMenuVo"/>
<if test="menuName != null and menuName != ''">
AND menu_name like concat('%', #{menuName}, '%')
+ UNION ALL -- 递归地选择子菜单
+ m.menu_id,
+ m.menu_name,
+ m.parent_id,
+ m.order_num,
+ m.url,
+ m.target,
+ m.menu_type,
+ m.visible,
+ m.is_refresh,
+ ifnull( m.perms, '' ) AS perms,
+ m.icon,
+ m.create_by,
+ m.create_time
+ sys_menu AS m
+ INNER JOIN menu_tree AS parent ON m.parent_id = parent.menu_id
+ where m.menu_name LIKE concat( '%', #{menuName}, '%' )
+ ) SELECT DISTINCT * FROM menu_tree
<if test="visible != null and visible != ''">
AND visible = #{visible}